When What You’re Saying Isn’t Working, Say Something New

Moms and dads want to say the right thing to their kids in the heat of the moment, they just aren’t sure what to say that will make a positive difference. This new project called Parenting Scripts from best-selling authors, Amber Lia and Wendy Speake helps parents figure out what they mean to say, before they say something mean! Filled with practical examples and "scripts" rooted in Scripture, it’s a much-needed resource and encouragement.

Join the challenge for peace-filled parenting and learn how to speak life to your children instead of defaulting to the same old words and ineffective consequences! It’s never too late. Begin with a fresh start, today!

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About Parenting Scripts

Wendy and Amber hear from desperate parents every day. They know they shouldn’t be saying things that shame and discourage their kids, but they feel powerless to speak the words that will actually motivate their kids toward right behavior. With 23 years of parenting experience between them, these moms have learned what to say and when to say it so that they are living out a godly example to their kids. You can begin this shift in your own home today!

Simply put, Parenting Scripts is changing the lives of families for generations to come!

When you join the Parenting Scripts Challenge, you’ll receive:

  • The Book. Parenting Scripts: When What You’re Saying Isn’t Working, Say Something New! Laid out as a parenting book and workbook all in one, each of the 31 short chapters suggests scripts - words to say during the most problematic parts of family life. Authors Wendy Speake and Amber Lia share personal accounts of both their successes and failures, then guide you to come up with biblical solutions that fit your family best.
  • The Videos. 8 Video Lessons where Wendy and Amber discuss parenting’s most frustrating moments and offer hope and wisdom!
  • Prayer Cards. Download these handy prayer cards which include the prayers at the end of each chapter from Parenting Scripts and one key Bible verse from each chapter.
  • Gentle Parenting Prints. These 3 beautiful prints feature quotes and Scripture from the book that you can display in your home!
  • Private Facebook Group Access. Parenting is hard. You don’t have to feel alone. Amber and Wendy will journey with you through the ups and downs, offering Biblical insight and hope whenever you need it most.

Meet Amber and Wendy

Amber Lia and Wendy Speake are co-authors of the popular parenting book Triggers: Exchanging Parents’ Angry Reactions for Gentle Biblical Responses and the Triggers Study Guide. Most recently, the two released their follow-up book, Parenting Scripts: When What You’re Saying Isn’t Working, Say Something New. Together, they minister to families who are stuck in the cycle of angry, reactionary parenting, pointing them to the gentle love of Jesus.

Wendy is an actress / evangelist who performs one woman shows at churches, while Amber works in Hollywood, producing faith and family-friendly films and TV shows. Whether on stage or on the page, or in their homes, Amber and Wendy are passionate about leading people to Jesus!

When they aren't working together on books, Amber and Wendy are hanging out as friends, raising seven boys between their two families.

Parenting Scripts
Book + Video Series Bundle

$49.99 $67 USD

  • + Parenting Scripts comes with 1 paperback book in the mail
  • + 8-Part Video Series with Amber and Wendy (immediate access to our online portal to stream the videos)
  • + Prayer Cards that you can download
  • + Private Facebook Group with Amber and Wendy as they make themselves available to you
  • + Lifetime Access and dedicated Support Center

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Parenting Scripts + Triggers
Get An Additional 25% Off!

$75 $99 USD

  • + Everything from the Parenting Scripts Bundle
  • + Triggers comes with 1 paperback book in the mail
  • + One Study Guide in the mail
  • + 8-Part Video Series with Amber and Wendy (immediate access to our online portal to stream the videos)
  • + Prayer Cards that you can download
  • + 3 Gentle Parenting Prints you can display in your home
  • + Private Facebook Group with Amber and Wendy as they make themselves available to you
  • + Lifetime Access and dedicated Support Center
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